We're Here for You.

At Highpoint Education, we realize that pursuing your education isn't always an easy decision, and it often presents a greater set of challenges for many talented individuals. If you've found yourself facing uncommon challenges, you already know how easy it can be for your hopes and dreams to be interrupted or even derailed. We know that not even the most determined students are immune to these impediments, and our aim is to help you bridge that gap. Our company grew out of a commitment to serve students in need wherever they may stand, and we remain dedicated to that simple cause. We believe in what we offer students and their families, and we want to open up the opportunity for success to anyone that we can.

What Our Discounts Look Like...

We all have a mountain to climb, but not everyone starts from the same place. Here are some of the most common reasons for requesting a discount, along with what you might expect to see in return.

  • Your Unique Situation

    Many of the requests that we see tell the story of unique challenges and uncommon ambitions, and of people who want to tap into their own sometimes hidden potential. For example, we have offered discounts to first-generation college students, to students suffering COVID-related or financial hardships, and to students who come from urban, rural, or other underserved communities. If you're facing obstacles where support could make the difference, tell us about them.

  • Our Offer to Help

    We review each request and reply with an offer to help. The discounts we offer typically range from 10-50% off, and discounts will vary depending on several factors including available funding. Any discount we offer is in addition to any currently discounted rates (yes, discounts are stackable!), and offers stand for 30 days. We typically ask that students take advantage of products and services in a specified timeframe in order to get the full positive impact of the support we provide.

  • Your Success

    Your success is our success, and we want to hear from you. As part of the discount offer, we often ask students (if they're willing!) to let us know how they were helped by our products and services and where they've gone since. This feedback and these success stories mean the world to us, since they let us know how to better tailor what we offer to students' needs, and they allow us to celebrate your successes with you. Some of these success stories are even featured here on this website!

Ok, so how does this work?

We hear from people all the time asking, "What should I say in my discount request message?" Generally speaking, we find that that the most compelling requests are honest, personal, and direct. Here are a few helpful steps:

  • Step 1: Tell us about your unique situation and what challenges you've faced. How have your experiences shaped your goals, and how have you managed to hold on to your dreams despite the challenges you've faced?

  • Step 2: Let us know if there are specifics products (courses) or services that you're interested in, and what sort of discount you would need to take full advantage of what we have to offer.

  • Step 3: Finally, connect the dots for us. Tell us what you hope to gain by using our products and services, and explain how our support will take you closer to your goals and dreams.

  • Step 4: Receive our offer of support, complete your registration, and get started! Check in with us from time to time to tell us how its going!

What Story Will You Tell?

And how can we help make sure that it ends with your success?

Whatever your story, we want to be a part of it, and we're willing to meet you where you stand in order to help you reach your hopes and dreams. If you've faced unique challenges, if you have uncommon ambitions, if you've had to go it alone or if you've stared down your future undeterred, we want to hear from you. And more importantly, we want to make sure you complete your journey to success. We carefully review each case we see, and every case we see receives a response from our staff. Click the button below to send an email to our leadership team.