Do you know your strengths? Are you aware of your passions? Do you know what motivates you and what stifles your success?

Answering these questions is critical in your search for purpose and vision of the path forward. Our unique Success Coaching process is specifically designed to help graduating high school students and undergraduates heighten self-awareness, overcome personal challenges, and capitalize on natural strengths. 

What is Success Coaching?

a catalyst for your success

Success Coaching is a process to:

  1. Guide students into self-awareness to break down ingrained habits and rediscover your sense of purpose.
  2. Empower students to take on the challenges and develop the strategies necessary to reach your goals.

The personal relationship with your coach guides you to be reflective, honest, and open. Your Success Coach will learn what matters to you and how you work, introduce tools, and provide new insights on how you build your strengths and skills. Ultimately, this process and the subsequent epiphanies will transform into focused strategies for your ongoing academic, personal, and professional success.

Is Success Coaching for Me?

coaching is for anyone interested in reaching their fullest potential

Success Coaching is specifically designed for students:

  1. Who struggle to maintain motivation
  2. Who feel like something is out of balance, or
  3. Who feel hindered from success

The personal relationship with your coach guides you to be reflective, honest, and open. Your Success Coach will learn what matters to you and how you work, introduce tools, and provide new insights on how you build your strengths and skills. Ultimately, this process and the subsequent epiphanies will transform into focused strategies for your ongoing academic, personal, and professional success.

How Does Coaching Work?

simple to set up, easy to use, astounding results

Success Coaching is a dynamic process grounded in conversation. The process is easy:

  1. Set up the first meeting with your Success Coach
  2. Complete our Proprietary Assessments

Next, you will meet with your coach to talk through your assessment results to identify your learning style, core values, and personal, academic, and career goals, and what you feel you need to improve to reach them. Many students experience personal epiphanies from the very first meeting and, in each successive meeting, they continue to learn about and solidify the strategies and habits they need to achieve success.

What You Can Expect

Coaching reveals a new vision of yourself and empowers you to pivot toward your future.

  • A Complete Diagnostic

    Your Success Coach will ask you important questions about your experiences and your perspective that only you can answer. Then together, you'll carefully consider your answers, examine every aspect of your assessments, and work to understand how your learning style, core values, strengths and challenges all come together to form the unique mosaic of who you are.

  • A Real Connection

    You'll have honest and sincere conversations with your Success Coach that will range from engaging, inquiring and challenging, to humorous, inspiring and enthusiastic. New tools and new ways to approach challenges will empower you to gain immediate insights, re-envision your future, identify and connect short- and long-term goals and build new strategies to reach your fullest potential.

  • Astounding Results

    Students’ grades typically improve the semester that coaching begins. They report less stress and anxiety, better time management skills and a stronger drive to reach their goals. After working with your Success Coach, you'll feel a renewed sense of your self and future, you'll have refined and realigned your skills and talents, and you'll have confidence to take on new challenges.

Sykeem Lewis

Associate Director of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions at Schar School of Policy and Government

My coach challenged me in ways I had not been challenged before because she saw my potential. She knew that I had goals I was striving towards. I had shared with her my passion for theology, education, and activism. I have always valued her feedback and insight as I began to explore various graduate school programs. She took the time to discuss my career goals and aspirations while aligning them with several graduate programs. Moreover, when I had finally selected my program, my coach continued to motivate and mentor me throughout the entire journey. She has been very instrumental in both my academic and professional success!

David Del Rio

Lead Superintendent, Plaza Construction

I don't know if you understand how big of a role you played in my success thus far... but the guidance, structure, and support you gave me those first 2 years really impacted me and my course of progress that has now evolved into success. You told me one time that "when you overcome obstacles and become successful it will taste so much sweeter because you know what it feels like to strive for something." I'm now the Superintendent for a great construction management firm in the city. In a year, not only have I climbed the ranks faster than I could have imagined, but they call me “the prodigy” and left me in charge of a $300 mil. project. All of that came from struggling and realizing what hard work is and what it takes. Thank you for being a part of that process.

Chirag Bhojwani

Director of Policy and Communications, Guam Legislature

My first semester of college, I had just failed all my classes and lost my scholarship. This program helped me get back on track to graduate and make something out of myself. By the end of the next semester, I was off Academic Probation, and with all A’s and B’s I was able to regain my Presidential Scholarship. What I truly appreciated about my coach was that throughout the course of his mentorship, he always made clear that he had my best interest in mind. It definitely was not smooth sailing between us; he showed me a lot of tough love, and now I am grateful that I have a big brother, and lifelong friend who continues to help me realize my true potential. He instilled in me the belief in the bigger picture and that I am in the driver’s seat of my future. Thank you brother!